B700 tax meter

B700 tax meter

Blog Article

Pitney Bowes B700 Tax Meter

The Pitney Bowes B700 is a specialized tax meter designed to meet the needs of businesses that require accurate and efficient handling of tax-related postage. This machine is ideal for financial institutions, legal firms, and government agencies that frequently deal with tax documents and require reliable and precise postage solutions.

Key Features

  1. Accurate Tax Postage Calculation: Automatically calculates the correct postage for tax-related documents based on their weight, size, and destination, ensuring compliance with postal regulations.

  2. High-Speed Processing: Capable of processing large volumes of mail quickly, making it suitable for businesses with substantial tax mailing needs.

  3. Secure Transactions: Incorporates advanced security features to protect sensitive information and ensure the integrity of postage transactions, including user authentication and secure data handling.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: Designed with an intuitive interface that simplifies the process of calculating and applying postage for tax documents, minimizing the risk of errors.

  5. Customizable Postage Imprints: Allows businesses to include custom logos, return addresses, and messages on mail pieces, enhancing the professional appearance of tax documents.

  6. Detailed Reporting and Tracking: Generates comprehensive reports on postage usage and costs, aiding in budget management and ensuring transparency in mailing expenses.

  7. Integration with Parcel Scales: Integrates seamlessly with parcel scales to provide precise postage based on the actual weight of each item, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

  8. Online Connectivity: Connects to Pitney Bowes' online services for easy postage refills, software updates, and access to additional services, streamlining the maintenance process.


  1. Efficiency: Automates the process of calculating and applying postage for tax documents, saving time and reducing manual errors.

  2. Cost Savings: Prevents overpayment by calculating the exact postage required and often provides discounted rates compared to traditional stamps.

  3. Security: Protects sensitive tax-related information with robust security features, ensuring that all postage transactions are secure and confidential.

  4. Professional Appearance: Printed postage with customizable imprints enhances the professional appearance of outgoing tax documents, building trust with recipients.

  5. Convenience: Eliminates the need for frequent trips to the post office, as postage can be added to the machine online, and integrates with existing office equipment.

  6. Compliance: Ensures compliance with postal regulations and keeps postage rates up-to-date automatically, avoiding potential penalties and ensuring smooth operations.

How It Works

  1. Data Entry: Enter the weight, size, and destination of the tax documents into the B700 tax meter manually or via integrated scales.

  2. Calculation: The machine calculates the exact postage required based on the entered data and applicable postal rates.

  3. Application: The B700 applies the calculated postage directly onto the envelopes or labels, ensuring each item has the correct postage.

  4. Reporting: Generates detailed reports on postage usage, providing insights into mailing expenses and aiding in budget management.

  5. Maintenance: Connects to online services for easy updates and postage refills, ensuring the machine is always ready for use.

Considerations When Choosing the B700 Tax Meter

  1. Mail Volume: Ensure the B700 tax meter can handle the volume of tax-related mail your business processes regularly.

  2. Security Needs: Evaluate the security features to ensure they meet your requirements for handling sensitive tax information.

  3. Integration: Check compatibility with your existing office equipment and software, such as parcel scales and document management systems.

  4. Budget: Consider the total cost of ownership, including the initial purchase price, ongoing supply costs, and maintenance.

  5. Support and Maintenance: Ensure the B700 tax meter comes with reliable customer support and maintenance services to address any issues promptly.


The Pitney Bowes B700 tax meter is a specialized solution for businesses that require precise and efficient handling of tax-related postage. With features designed to automate calculations, ensure accuracy, and enhance security, the B700 tax meter streamlines the process of mailing tax documents, saving time and reducing costs. Its user-friendly interface, customizable imprints, and detailed reporting capabilities make it an ideal choice for financial institutions, legal firms, and government agencies.

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